Enden er solgt

Publisert 25.03.2019 11:13

 Rondane Gjestegård Enden er nå solgt. Kjøperne kommer fra Belgia. De er en familie på 4, mor Karin, far Benjamin og døtrene Liv på 4 år og Mia på 1,5 år. Deres informasjonsbrev, på engelsk, kan leses under bildet.
Cecilie og Christoph vil drive Rondane Gjestegård som vanlig, fram til overtagelsen i slutten av september.

de nye på enden. Foto privat
 Hei hei!

We are Benjamin and Karin. Together with our 2 daughters Liv (4) & Mia (1.5) we will take over Rondane Gjestegård in the end of September 2019 and move to Norway.

 We now live in Belgium in the vicinity of Antwerp. It’s a nice town but often crowded and we miss a lot the nature around us, especially mountains. Therefore, we spend most of our free time travelling to the mountains… This has been all over the world but most of the time we travel up north to Scandinavia. During wintertime this involves a lot of alpine skiing and in summer we focus on hiking. Our oldest daughter Liv already knows how to ski and completed her first 2-days trekking to a mountain cabin last summer. She likes being active in the mountains while our youngest Mia still enjoys the scenery comfortably seated in a backpack. When in Belgium and not at work, Benjamin loves to care about his garden and Karin spends a lot of time in the kitchen. We also go for a run from time to time in the forest nearby which is quite small according to Norwegian standards :-)

  We kind of turned our biggest passion into our profession. During the past 10 years we have been running our own travel agency NORTH & AWAY – Travel Expert for the Nordic Countries. Together with 3 colleagues we find the perfect Scandinavian holiday for our customers. We focus on the whole Nordic region including Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, the Faroese Islands, Greenland and Svalbard. In the meantime, many of our clients like Scandinavia as much as we do. When taking over Rondane Gjestegård in September we will work a bit more behind the scenes for NORTH & AWAY but it will continue to exist.

We have been working together with Christoph & Cecilie, the previous owners of Rondane Gjestegård, since we started our travel agency in 2009. Most of our customers traveling to Norway stay in Rondane Gjestegård. The central location close to several national parks, the nearby mountains, the typical Norwegian accommodation, the charming ambience and not to forget the excellent local food match perfectly their expectations of a dream holiday in Norway. Maybe the famous fjords are lacking in this part of Norway but nature is equally dramatic and being off the beaten track, there is still good potential for future tourism development. After Cecilie and Christoph let us know the property was for sale, we didn’t have to think long to make the decision.

  Our aim is to run Rondane Gjestegård with the same passion as Christoph and Cecilie always did. Benjamin will focus on the accommodation and activities, while Karin will expand her kitchen skills. During our first year in Norway we want to experience the daily business of running a hotel, getting to know our neighbors and adapt to the Norwegian way of living. And most importantly: we have to learn the language which we started already in Belgium a couple of months ago. Don’t expect too many changes in the short term but please let us know if you have ideas on how to make Rondane Gjestegård an even more unique place in the world!

 We will definitely face some challenges and Rondane Gjestegård will never be exactly the same anymore, but we are keen to learn and look really much forward to this new chapter in our lives!

  Please feel free to ask more information about us by e-mail or phone.



  0032 485 79 36 67